Spondias pinnata
Tree 15-25 m. high. Stem with lenticel. Leaves odd-pinnately compound, alternate, leaflets 9-13, elliptic-ovate. 7-12x3-4 cm, base oblique, surface smooth. Inflorescence panicle terminal, flower many. small, white or creamy. Sepal cup-shaped, 4-5 lobed. Petal 4 or 5, narrow ovate. Stamen 8-10. Pistil: ovary 4 or 5, seperate. Fruit ovate 3-4.5 cm.
Tree 15-25 m high. Bark pale grey and smooth. Leaves odd-pinnately compound, alternate. Leaflet 9-13, eliiptic-ovate 7-12x3-4 cm base oblique, surface smooth. Young leaf pinkish-purple turn to golden yellow. Inflorescence panicle 20-30 cm terminal or axillary on falling leaf. Flower many, small, white or creamy-yellow . Perfect flower or monoecious. Pedicel short, smooth. Sepal cup-shaped 4 or 5 lobed at apex, triangular. Petal 4 or 5, narrow ovate. Stamen 8-10. Receptacle 10-lobed, very short. Pistil: ovary 4 or 5 , seperate. Fruit oval 3-4.5 diam cm. Young fruit green turn to yellowish-grey.